Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Thank you!

I’m busy, way too busy, as you know… but I had to say THANK YOU to all of you who so wonderfully offered to help these days knowing it’s an intense week!

Whether it was taking me out for lunch or dinner, having a good conversation, bringing cookies (even if you forgot I don’t like chocolate :)), getting for me a book from the library, calling to see how I am doing, and dealing with my long babbling about all I have to do or who knows what, sharing your ties with me, inviting me for a drink (and understanding I can’t really party hard) or just offering to be there for me, any time of day or night, if I get too stressed out… wow!

Some of you really took me by surprise - I guess I still have to learn to see...

And here is a picture that a friend of mine sent to all his friends, including me… I thought it describes some of you too!

Thank you for being my friends! (screwed up as you are...)


Anonymous said...

You're welcome, Dan!
And... check your mailbox! ;)

Anonymous said...

Damn it, I thought this time I did better than others! But I guess I can never keep up... okay, I'll try harder... :) Good luck! M.

Alina said...

Does this mean you'll take us all for a drink when you receive offers from these 2 places courting you right now? :-P

schubertomaestro said...

Come back soon Dan! Ania and I got only a few weeks of you left before we leave for the summer, then you're going to be Dr. Business Down Under, Antipodean and Româno-Ozzie.

Cuidáte, S~

Alina said...


are you back to IC safe and sound? did you go for the RR?